Therapist Accountability

11 min read

The Significance of Ethics for Mental Health Professionals

Exploring the critical role that ethics play in the field of mental health and the impact it has on both professionals and their clients. For the...

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5 min read

Hurt people hurt people? When Good Therapists Cause Harm

In working with a diverse range of helping professionals, including undergraduate psychology students, fellow counselors (and other mental health...

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Image of the nervous systems response to trauma which is fight, flight, freeze, fawn, and flop

5 min read

Unraveling Trauma-Informed Therapy

Let's explore the impact of Trauma-Informed Therapy in addressing mental health issues and understanding trauma responses in relation to our client's...

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Cults and Therapy : Ethics of Practice

5 min read

Exploring Parallels: Cults and Therapy - Ensuring Safety and Accountability

Any show on cults I fervishly watch in disbelief, fascination, and awe. It will suck me in, as I try to figure out the allure of its participants and...

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