Counselor Training

11 min read

The Significance of Ethics for Mental Health Professionals

Exploring the critical role that ethics play in the field of mental health and the impact it has on both professionals and their clients. For the...

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5 min read

Hurt people hurt people? When Good Therapists Cause Harm

In working with a diverse range of helping professionals, including undergraduate psychology students, fellow counselors (and other mental health...

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Therapist sitting

5 min read

On Being a therapist's therapist

Here’s a question to consider—Are you a therapist’s therapist? Do you advocate for other therapists, and do you offer beneficence when the...

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4 min read

The Benefits and Challenges of Mental Health Consultation: Insights from The Collective

Consultation within the context of mental health is something every therapist should be familiar with and engage in--yet there is this anxious...

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2 min read

Sex in the therapeutic setting

Sex related issues are sensitive topics that may be difficult for individuals to discuss. That is why it is important for therapists to possess the...

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KDH Counseling | KD Holmes, MS, LPC | Continuing Education on OCD and ERP

2 min read

How to Treat OCD?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that causes individuals to have persistent and intrusive thoughts, known as...

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