People come to therapy for all kinds of reasons. Some individuals have difficulty adjusting to life transitions. Others come struggling with anxiety (worrying), phobias, obsessions followed by compulsions, trauma, and depression. Sometimes it is an array of all. I call it the perfect storm. All problems collide at one time and wreak havoc. No matter the reason for therapy, talking to someone always helps.
Therapists and clients call it several different things. Some call it therapy, my favorite term. It suggests a broad explanation of what occurs in our sessions like the process is the treatment. Others call it counseling, which denotes that we are consultants on your situation, which is also true.
Few call it psychotherapy, which suggests that you will be seeing someone for the rest of your life. Basically, the goal of my office is to work ourselves out of a job. We “treat” individuals by meeting with them on a regular basis. Through our sessions, they will learn techniques to manage their inner world.
We work with teens and adults to assist them in working through the following:
Anxiety consists of worrying several times daily, phobias (fears of bridges, vomiting, needles, flying, snakes, etc.), ruminating thoughts, (negative or catastrophic thoughts that get stuck in your head on repeat), or somatic sensations like racing heart, stomach aches
shacking, depersonalization, or derealization.
Trauma is a big or little event that has caused problems in your life due to the internal and external residue it leaves, (thinking of the event when you don’t want to, and emotionally feeling the event), re-experiencing of that event when both awake and/or asleep.
Obsessions and compulsions consist of obsessions that are followed by internal or external compulsions that individuals cannot stop repeating.
Depression consists of depressed mood most days, irritability, lack of excitement about things that used to excite you, problems sleeping, decreased motivation, and sometimes contemplating dying.
Lastly, I call the worried well. These individuals just want someone to process life events with them. They function well in their lives but find relief in having someone outside of their circle to discuss life’s upsets.
No matter how big or small you think your problems are, therapy is the place to unravel your inner complexities and find a solution that works for you.
Here are some evidenced based approaches, utilized based on your individualized needs.
Guided Mediation or Resourcing
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Interpersonal Skills Building
And processes to manage symptoms like:EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
IMTT (Image Transformation Therapy)
Guided Meditations and Guided Imagery to manage symptoms, habits, and traumatic events.