KD Holmes, LPC on DBT

3 min read

Can We Change?

Gratitude is an oldy-but-goody thought practice that can change your mental focus from the glass is half-empty to half-full. It's an example of one...

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Image of KD when she was a child looking exuberant

3 min read

Why Am I so Nervous?

I have been called "nervous" since I was a child. I would venture to say that large doses of caffeine and chocolate probably did not help my...

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KD Holmes, LPC and Crisis Help

2 min read

Hurricane Laura- Crisis Number 5024 of 2020

As the Hurricanes creeps closer, I allow myself to accept the facts that it will (according to the facts of the forecast),affect us. With so much...

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KDH Counseling | DBT Skills

3 min read

What Does it Mean to Move Through?

Moving through is composed of acceptance, mindfulness, and accessing your wise mind. Acceptance is accepting the facts both external and internal. By...

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Noticing Victories

1 min read

Can Noticing My Victories Impact How I Feel?

{% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True, viral_sharing=False, embed_button=False, autoplay=False,...

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KDH Counseling | Depression

2 min read

How Do I Grow Good Feelings?

During quarantine I started to feel bogged down with the monotony of this situation.Wake up... eat… work… exercise…house project 2,534… lol… take...

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KD Holmes, LPC Crisis Counseling

2 min read

How Does Therapy Address Crisis: COVID-19

So much of my practice centers around anxiety, trauma, phobias, panic disorder, obsessions, compulsions, and unhealthy coping patterns related to...

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KD Holmes, LPC and depression treatment

5 min read

How Do I Climb Out of My Depressive Hole?

What is Depression Treatment? I know that it sounds so formal … TREATMENT… but depression is indeed a medical condition. We misquote the term at...

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Anxiety at KDH Counseling Lafayette, La

2 min read

A Magnifying Catastrophizing Snow Balling Mind

Do I have an anxious Mind? Anyone who has a mind, that works like the above title, knows exactly what I am talking about.

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