Therapy is Learning

KD Holmes, LPC on DBT

3 min read

Can We Change?

Gratitude is an oldy-but-goody thought practice that can change your mental focus from the glass is half-empty to half-full. It's an example of one...

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KDH Counseling | DBT Skills

3 min read

What Does it Mean to Move Through?

Moving through is composed of acceptance, mindfulness, and accessing your wise mind. Acceptance is accepting the facts both external and internal. By...

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3 min read

How Often Should I Attend Therapy?

It appears that most people think that they can come to therapy whenever they want and return when they feel like it. As if therapy is an as-needed...

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Therapy | Counseling Results

3 min read

What does “Therapy/Counseling” Really do?

1. What are reasonable therapeutic expectations? Most clients have no idea how long it will take to change reactions to symptoms or habits that are...

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