

3 min read

The Biosocial Theory: Understanding the Roots of Emotional Distress

Often, I wonder if consumers of mental health services realize the significance of psychoeducation within the context of therapy. In that, it is...

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2 min read

The Sound of...Common Sense (Sex Trafficking Facts)

Sex trafficking, particularly in the context of children being exploited sexually, has been at the forefront of conversations lately and with good...

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child shadow

5 min read

Okay, Groomer

If I had a nickel for every time the word “grooming” or “groomer” was mentioned lately in the news, I could retire tomorrow. But, alas, ignorance...

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Resized Pretty Image

3 min read

Confessions of a Therapist

I’ve got a confession to make. I am so sick of people finding out what I do for a living and then saying the absolute most out of pocket stuff to me...

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TIB Image

3 min read

Treatment Interfering Behaviors

One of the beautiful things about therapy is the possibility it possesses. I have had the pleasure of witnessing growth right before my eyes as folks...

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