Finding a Therapist

Zombie Apocalypse Holiday

2 min read

Holiday Stress + Zombie Apocalypse = Stress Overload

Stress is common during the holidays, but imagine the holidays with a Zombie Apocalypse, we would all be affected by such an extreme crisis. Now the...

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Holiday's Stress

3 min read

Laughing and Crying Through the Holidays (These Days it's Both)

In my office and in my personal life, I am reminded of how difficult holidays are for most humans, without the 2020 extras. Thrown into the mix now...

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Grief and The loss of a Parent

4 min read

.....And Just Like That, He Was Gone

Shock It's hard to imagine that a man that looked like this, could die. I don’t think anything can prepare you for the death of a parent. Whether...

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2 paths-2-1

2 min read

What is the Secret to Choosing a Therapist?

Not one size fits all Generally speaking, individuals who have been in therapy before “know” what they are looking for in a therapist, more so than a...

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