
Whitney Storey, MS, LPC, PMH-C | Lafayette, LA | Counseling | Neurodivergence

5 min read

Doctor Visits for Neurodivergent Folks

If there is one thing I have learned about myself in my own autism journey that has also been supported by the clients I have been working with, it's...

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Whitney Storey, MS, PLPC | Therapist | Counselor | Lafayette, LA

3 min read

Rest as Rebellion

Folks who know me are well aware (and dare I say, tickled) at the way I am able to walk a very fine line between being rigidly rule-governed and, at...

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4 min read

The Forgotten Parents: Part 1

Working with parents has been my niche for a long time now, and I have been a parent myself for nearly ten years (which blows my mind). Over these...

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2 min read

What is Neurodiversity?

If you have spent any time on TikTok lately, odds are you have come across some videos where folks (with a healthy helping of good humor) discuss the...

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Whitney Storey | Counselor | Lafayette, LA | Mother

4 min read

Taking off the Mask

I have been having so many conversations lately with friends, family, and clients about neurodivergence. Neurodivergence has become my latest special...

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2 min read

What is a Perinatal Mental Health Specialist?

October of 2022 was a huge month for me. It was in this month that I finally earned my certification in Perinatal Mental Health, which was really the...

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Whitney Storey, MS, PLPC, CBE | Counselor | Lafayette, LA | Help

3 min read

A Rock and a Hard Place

I love that as a culture we are embracing the idea that "it's okay to not be okay." It's so accepting and welcoming of folks with all kinds of...

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Whitney Storey, MS, PLPC | Therapist | Lafayette, LA | Art

4 min read

What Have the Arts Taught Me About Living?

I have a long history of being involved in the arts and finding benefits from making art by myself and with others. While I had folks who encouraged...

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Whitney Storey, MS, PLPC, CBE | Therapist | Lafayette, LA | Neurodiversity

5 min read

Where are all the Other Neurodivergent Parents?

There are so many wonderful things about being a parent. There is nothing better than being able to watch your children grow and change, discover...

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Whitney Storey, MS, PLPC, CBE | Anxiety | Limbic System

3 min read

Out of My Mind

When I talk to clients about their struggles, I notice a very familiar pattern that I find myself in: what causes the struggle becomes the focus of...

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