Moving Through Mental Health

2 min read

Moving Through Crisis

"How can I help?" I am not a doctor and I cannot assist medically with COVID-19 but I do work with individuals’ reactions to crises every day. That, I would say, makes me an expert in managing various crises one may face -- specifically in managing...

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KD Holmes, LPC Crisis Counseling

2 min read

How Does Therapy Address Crisis: COVID-19

So much of my practice centers around anxiety, trauma, phobias, panic disorder, obsessions, compulsions, and unhealthy coping patterns related to...

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3 min read

How Often Should I Attend Therapy?

It appears that most people think that they can come to therapy whenever they want and return when they feel like it. As if therapy is an as-needed...

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Learning to Love Roller Coasters | KD Holmes LPC

2 min read

Learning to Love Roller Coasters

Recently I relearned about inhibitory learning. I love knowledge that challenges me to look at things in an alternative way. It is probably due to my...

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Grief and The loss of a Parent

4 min read

.....And Just Like That, He Was Gone

Shock It's hard to imagine that a man that looked like this, could die. I don’t think anything can prepare you for the death of a parent. Whether...

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Overachiever Balance

2 min read

Beyond overachieving! Wait Is there any other way?

1. Looking at the Consequences of Living this Way Most individuals do not even think it is a problem to be an overachiever. They attribute their...

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Being Human

2 min read

Being Human

Being Human = Life + Acceptance + Meaning I continue to struggle with actually reading a book and so recently I got into the audiobook scene. I...

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KD Holmes, LPC and Trauma

1 min read

What is Trauma Brain?

Many people have what I call Trauma Brain and have no idea that it is the cause of their current symptoms.

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Therapy | Counseling Results

3 min read

What does “Therapy/Counseling” Really do?

1. What are reasonable therapeutic expectations? Most clients have no idea how long it will take to change reactions to symptoms or habits that are...

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4 min read

The Enigma of Mental Health?

Diagnosis vs Symptoms People come to therapy for various reasons. The symptoms of individuals I see are self-reported or observable and consist of ...

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