Multicolored Brain

2 min read

ADHD 101

Ever felt like your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, racing faster than you can keep up? Welcome to the world of ADHD. As someone who's navigated this unique experience through my training to become an ADHD-Certified Clinical Services Provider I've...

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3 min read

The Biosocial Theory: Understanding the Roots of Emotional Distress

Often, I wonder if consumers of mental health services realize the significance of psychoeducation within the context of therapy. In that, it is...

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2 min read

The Sound of...Common Sense (Sex Trafficking Facts)

Sex trafficking, particularly in the context of children being exploited sexually, has been at the forefront of conversations lately and with good...

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2 min read

Less Money…More Problems? The relationship between Capitalism and Therapy

Therapy has the power to transform lives. It can help individuals overcome depression, anxiety, trauma, and various mental health issues. However, in...

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child shadow

5 min read

Okay, Groomer

If I had a nickel for every time the word “grooming” or “groomer” was mentioned lately in the news, I could retire tomorrow. But, alas, ignorance...

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Resized Pretty Image

3 min read

Confessions of a Therapist

I’ve got a confession to make. I am so sick of people finding out what I do for a living and then saying the absolute most out of pocket stuff to me...

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3 min read

Let's Talk About Sex...Education

When the subject of sex comes up in session it is often in hushed whispers with eyes diverted to the ground. People (adults usually) are admitting...

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TIB Image

3 min read

Treatment Interfering Behaviors

One of the beautiful things about therapy is the possibility it possesses. I have had the pleasure of witnessing growth right before my eyes as folks...

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2 min read

The Art of the Pause

The frequency with which anxiety exists in our bodies can only be described as frenetic and unrelenting. A hive of bees when it is at its worst. An...

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scaly friends

2 min read

Connection Seeking in Acadiana

Day after day I hear from clients an innate desire to connect with other people. To make new friends. To have novel experiences. My young adult...

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