Library shelves full of books

3 min read

My One Track Mind

If you have had a conversation with me in the last year or so, odds are I have brought up neurodivergence. (Cue the eye rolling and the groans from my friends and family.) I have been really diving into the neurodivergence world since I started to...

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4 min read

The Forgotten Parents: Part 1

Working with parents has been my niche for a long time now, and I have been a parent myself for nearly ten years (which blows my mind). Over these...

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2 min read

What is Neurodiversity?

If you have spent any time on TikTok lately, odds are you have come across some videos where folks (with a healthy helping of good humor) discuss the...

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Whitney Storey | Counselor | Lafayette, LA | Mother

4 min read

Taking off the Mask

I have been having so many conversations lately with friends, family, and clients about neurodivergence. Neurodivergence has become my latest special...

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Whitney Storey, PLPC, PMH-C | Therapy | Counseling | Identity | Lafayette, LA

4 min read

On Privilege, Race, and White Feminism

I can count on one hand the number of times I, as a cis-White woman, have been a minority in any space I have been while in the United States....

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4 min read

Finding Myself in Jail

Once a week I prepare to go to a place that most people probably never imagine themselves choosing to go - my local jail. I have been going to the...

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2 min read

What is a Perinatal Mental Health Specialist?

October of 2022 was a huge month for me. It was in this month that I finally earned my certification in Perinatal Mental Health, which was really the...

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Whitney Storey | Counselor | Lafayette, LA | Mother

3 min read

The Curse of the Good Mother

Humans are natural story tellers. We have long histories of using stories as a way to explain the unexplainable, to teach and guide our children, and...

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Whitney Storey, MS, PLPC | Relationship Counseling | Lafayette, LA

2 min read

I Love Love

Most mental health professionals prefer to work with clients individually. Each person has such unique needs, learning histories, beliefs, fears, and...

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Whitney Storey, MS, PLPC, CBE | Motherhood | Counselor | Lafayette, LA

6 min read

Matrescence: It's Going to be a Bumpy Ride

Growing up I made a number of assumptions about who I was going to be and what my life would be like in adulthood. I assumed I would go to college,...

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