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Is COVID-19 A Traumatic Event?

Is COVID-19 A Traumatic Event?

The COVID-19 world crisis can be traumatic, especially since it has impacted the entire globe.  The terror, powerlessness, and shock can leave us with bothersome symptoms related to the “exposure to this event”.  This is a common trauma verbiage used in therapy… exposure to the event. If you have a pulse you have been exposed to this event.

During This Global Crisis We Are Constantly Reminded of This Crisis By:

News is playing endlessly.

Social media is joking about it constantly.

We are home probably more than we have ever been, which means LOTS of family time.  All families know this can be good and stressful.  LOL!

Tasks like going to the grocery store take on some sort of sinister feeling. I worried about going grocery shopping for the last two days. Simple tasks now have different meanings.

Working and finances overwhelm most individuals when we do not know when we will return to work.

These reminders can create chronic stress and anxiety and lead to lots of internal and external reactions.

Trauma-related symptoms:

● Nightmares

● Problems falling asleep

● Waking up frequently 

● Increase in irritability and anger

Anger and irritably that is not normal for you.  

These emotions are not just because you have a whole house full of kids or a husband who are suddenly home 24/7.

● Worrying ( anxiety) that is increased in frequency and intensity

Sometimes this is anxiety that ends in catastrophe!  

Basically, your brain gets stuck in thoughts that end in terror or horror like, "I am going to die," "I will infect someone," "someone will infect me," or, "we will lose our home".

This type of anxiety does not end with we will all be ok. There isn’t another page turned where we live happily ever after and make it through this crisis. 

● Intrusive thinking or intrusive images

Thoughts or images that pop into your mind about this event or as a result of this event.

●  Headaches, stomach aches, isolation blues, hopelessness, or feelings of loneliness.

Things to REMEMBER:

1. These Reactions are NORMAL!  

You are not going crazy.  These are normal symptoms following an event just like this. Remember these are normal responses to an abnormal event.

2. Call a Doctor or Therapist, if these symptoms are increasing in intensity and frequency.  

Getting expert guidance can alleviate the length of your symptoms and can move you through it.

Learn More

3.  Let's move THROUGH it … together!!!!

Remember we are all in this crisis together! 

Check out my blog last week on How to Move Through Crisis.

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